CBD For Emotional Wellbeing
CBD for emotional well being has been ramping up over the past few years, and there is a good reason for it. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 40 million Americans are affected by anxiety, depression, PTSD or another form of mental health ailment each year. CBD can help with a myriad of these ailments and symptoms, which is good news for 40 million people! Studies today are finding that CBD can really help change those negative mindsets, relieve anxiety, help with symptoms of PTSD and many more. We all know how important a healthy mind is. A healthy mind is imperative to our everyday success, in fact, our minds are something we will live with forever, so why not keep it healthy?
In the book Cannabis Pharmacy written by Michael Backes, he states that “the density of CB1 receptors found in the brain indicates that the endocannabinoid system can regulate emotional disorders since their structures regulate anxiety and other related conditions' '. THC and CBD can both be used to regulate these conditions and while each has its own benefit, the main focus here is CBD. In this book he also says “Cannabis produces cannabinoids (like CBD) that mimic our own endocannabinoids, which the body uses to regulate neural signaling throughout the brain”. Essentially CBD can bridge the gaps between “mis-firing” or stressed neurons in the brain. In an article published the National Center for Biotechnology Information 23 studies were conducted on CBD, finding that low doses ranging from 1 to 50mg a day were effective for treating anxiety or other emotional disorder symptoms.
A published article from projectcbd.org states that vaping CBD is a fast acting way to get almost instant relief, but this will only offer the shortest duration of relief. While CBD that is ingested orally or sublingually is the most effective option as it will slowly bind with receptors in your body throughout the day. If you have read some of the previous blog posts I talked a little about terpenes which are basically the essential oils from the cannabis plant. Our products are terpene blended, and one of those terpenes is Linalool. Linalool has been found to be quite effective in combating anxiety or panic disorders. CBD is legal in all fifty states, all natural and non addictive. If you have been thinking about trying it for anxiety, PTSD, depression or just normal everyday stress, now is the time. After all, a healthy mind is imperative to our everyday success, infact, our mindsets and inner dialogues are something we will carry with us forever, so why not keep it healthy as well?